Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's right around the corner....

Oh my God. I am kind of in disbelief that it is already March 22nd. Where exactly did the winter go? I feel as though I have done tons of training in shorter bursts, but have not gotten in the long distance runs these past couple of weeks that I need to and would like to. This past weekend I felt really sick with a stomach bug or food poisoning or who knows what, and only managed to run about 14 miles. This awesome stomach sickness has continued into this week but TODAY I am finally feeling better. Back to the running tomorrow!!

So here's the plan for this week: 5 miles tomorrow, 7 miles on thursday, 16-18 miles on saturday. I really enjoy running along the Charles from Boston towards Newton. That has been my long distance path of choice. Nothing like running on a large sidewalk with goose poop.

Not only was I sick last saturday for my run, but I also managed to drop 1 of 2 water bottles from my belt. Don't even ask as I don't quite understand how I finagled that. Needless to say, I have ordered a new belt but it's actually going to be better as this one has 4 bottles. Might weigh me down a bit, but I should be completely covered for the big race day.


I have also ordered part of my race day gear, thanks to my cousin Les.  Along with my race day singlet, I will be wearing this shirt (its actually white, not green).  http://www.shopadidas.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4477520&page=1&entry=39068572083&source=SEM_Google&cid=U39076&shopGroup=R
Kind of funny, I ordered these shorts but I swear they could fit a kid. Nearly ripped them when taking them off.   Definitely returning them.  Suggestions for black shorts are welcomed....

SO the running is obviously the most important part of this experience, but the fundraising was a big challenge as well. I somehow managed to raise over $8000 for Dana Farber when initially I thought I would never hit my $7100 goal. I cannot thank my family, friends, and coworkers enough for their generous support. The fundraiser at The Nashua Country Club was incredible. It was definitely a lot of work to organize but it was well worth it.  I had a fantastic time partying with 90+ of my favorite people.  A huge thank you to Michelle and the NCC staff, Get Down Tonight Entertainment, Cakes By Debbie, DJ Dean Michael, and the donors of raffle gift giveaways, that made the event possible.  It truly was an awesome night.

Honestly, I'm getting a bit nervous for the big day.  But I'm going to try to stop putting so much pressure on myself to actually run the entire race.  I figure it's a big enough accomplishment just to participate and I will do what I can.  This entire experience has been INCREDIBLE.  Between fundraising and hosting an event, meeting Dana Farber runners who work for Novartis, meeting a family and their daughter who has cancer and is treated by Dana Farber, training through the winter months, dealing with illness, self doubt, fears, calf injuries, general aches and pains, etc, it's hard to put everything into words.  I am so thankful for the encouragement and support of my friends and family. 

And finally, I will end this blog with a quote:
"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
Robert Frost