Friday, April 15, 2011

"This is it...don't get scared"

It is hard to believe that the marathon is just a few days away.  I am unbelievably pumped and terrified at the same time.  I know it will be an incredible yet painful experience, but I am looking forward to it!!!!!

It should be a great weekend.  This afternoon, I'm heading to the Hynes Convention Center to pick up my bib # and other marathon gear.  I also have to head over to The Copley Marriott to turn in my medical liability forms, etc.  On sunday afternoon, I am attending the Pasta Party at the Marriott with my friends Anne and Lauren.  Time to bulk up on carbs!!!!!

The race will start at 10:40am on Monday, it is in 3 waves this year.  Qualified runners start at 10 and 10:20 and charity runners start at 10:40.    For anybody in the area on Monday, the 4th floor of the Marriott is reserved for family and friends of Dana Farber runners.  My goal is to finish in 5 hours.  Come on over!

I am proud to say that I have raised over $8800 for Dana Farber research. It is truly an honor to support such an incredible organization and cause.  My goal was $7100 and I was fortunate enough to have the amazing support of friends, coworkers, and family. 

My bib # is 22337. You can follow me through the race using the following link

I have my marathon day gear ready to go; sneakers, socks, under armor shorts, water belt, and shirt.  I still want to get a hat at the convention this afternoon.  Thank you to Erin Almeda for prepping my shirt for marathon day!!!! I really appreciate your thoughfulness. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Between the emails, kind words, attending the fundraiser, making a donation...everything counts and everything helps! I am so lucky to have had your support.
My race on Monday is dedicated to several people.  To those who have endured/endure the fight against cancer (Allison Tucker, Mark Lucas, Frank Maffee, Dillon Webb, Rachel Pelletier), and to those incredible people who constantly  inspire and support, and encourage me to reach for the stars (Joye Boissonneault, Peter Wallace, Jim Chaloner, Erin Gallacher).  Words cannot express my gratitude for having you in my life.

I hope if nothing else, my marathon journey inspires other to go after their dreams, because anything is attainable. 

Here's to an amazing race experience!  Let's do this.


John Hanc, running writer
"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."


  1. Kate, we wish you the best, wherever you place it is a great accomplishment and thank you for remembering Mark.

    Terry and Mark Lucas

  2. Awesome quote at the end!
